The Osoppo Brigades were anticommunist partigiani originating in the province of Friuli in the northeastern part of the country bordering on Austria.
The clothing in this example should not be construed as being any sort of uniform; it's still just a case of wearing what one has on hand.
1: Basco nero con insegno tricolore - Black beret with tricolor patch
2: Fazzoletto verde - Green scarf
3: Maglione - Pullover sweater
4: Giacca di pelle - Leather jacket
5: Pantaloni tedeschi - German trousers
6: SMG Sten
7: Scarponi e calzini - Boots and socks
8: Giberne - Ammo pouch
9: Binocolo - Binoculars
10: Gavetta tedesca - German mess kit
11: Granate a mano - German hand grenades
12: Bretelle - Suspenders
13: Baionetta - Bayonet
14: Orologio da taschino - Pocket watch
15: Bussola RAF - Compass
The Sten gun (#6) was air dropped in large numbers to various partisan groups between 1943 and 1945. German items (trousers, mess kit, "potato masher" grenades, etc.) were battlefield pick-ups.
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